This term we have been learning about the Technology cycle-Ask (What
is the problem?), Imagine (Brainstorm some solutions), Plan (Think, Draw,
Label), Create ( Make and test), Improve ( Evaluate our creation and adjust the
design to make it better).
We learnt that new things are
created to either make our lives easier, solve problems or to improve a
We learnt how to show Integrity
by: Listening to other's ideas, joining in with group tasks, managing ourselves
while making our creations, sharing and discussing our own ideas, and
encouraging others.
We had to make choices about the
best materials to use. We discovered that some materials are easier to
cut and glue than others. We gained practical skills such as cutting,
tying knots, using a hole punch and stapler.
We enjoyed creating paper planes,
parachutes, pirate boats, bridges and insects. Here are some photos of
our creations.